




«Gymnasia  139»,

Omsk Origami centre

Information bulletin.


II Siberian  festival 

«Magic world of origami»

will be held in Omsk at Gymnasia  № 139

28 – 29 March 2011.



The program includes:




Fair of ideas,  creative Laboratory of learning students




Master class, practical studies

·        The fine art for teachers of primary school, kindergarten
and  teachers of supplementary education.

·        Mathematics

·        Recent publications in the field of Origami on different themes and different levels of difficulties.

·        Technology

Theme exhibitions:

  • Zoo
  • Flora
  • World  of polyhedrons
  • Underwater  world

·        Ornaments, mosaic, design




Creative competitions  among:

  • Puppet theatres  of Origami
  • Fashion  theatres
  • Mini – Max models from the biggest and smallest square.



Organizing  committee will take

Application for taking part up to 20 march 2011;

Schemes of inventions – up to 10 February 2011.

It is  necessary to point out:  the competition you are going to take part in;

the audience of master class or practical study you are planning to conduct individually.

A book of materials is planned to be published.

Registration  payment  of each participant – 300 roubles (for being present) and  200 roubles (for external participation).

The payment must be sent by mail transfer.

Materials, applications are sent in care for the address:

Russia, 644112, Omsk, mail box 1637, Belim Svetlana Nikolayevna

Or e-mail s139@mail.ru,  snbelim@mail.ru

Telephone for information:  (3812)72-73-06


Yours faithfully,

S.N. Belim

Methodical leader of

Omsk Origami Centre




P.S. Omsk Origami  center is 16 years.

For this period of time  it held  9 conferences "Origami in the learning process” and  the 1st Siberian Festival ”Wonderful world of origami in Russia".

In the 1st Siberian Festival "Wonderful world of origami in Russia" 305 origamists from 43 cities and towns of Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Britain, France and Colombia, participated.

At the Festival creative art works of students were displayed interestingly. Children of different ages were presenting their inventions in origami, their  research projects with the elements of origami, puppet shows and puppet theater fashions.

As result of the Festival thesis book was published and Photo-video report on DVD was prepared. Short photo-report  you can see also here.




